
Welcome to Fiz’s API documentation. The following notes and instructions are provided to help you tap into our features as you build your own applications using Fiz as a launchpad.

The Fiz API is a dynamic service which changes in response to market forces as well as requirements and feedback from our customers. Please check back regularly for updates.

Best of luck with your implementation!


All endpoints require the use of an authorization header:


Where BRAND_API_KEY is a unique key assigned to a Fiz Brand. At the moment brand API keys are issued by Admin users only.

You are responsible for keeping your key secure and must notify Fiz immediately if you become aware of any unauthorised use of, or access to, your key.

Having an api_key is necessary but may not be sufficient to access all endpoints. Your access to data will depend on how your account has been configured, including any applicable rate limits. If you wish to extend or modify your access, you should contact an Admin user.

Before you begin

Please note that even if you are trialling our API you are advised to familiarise yourself with our terms and conditions and those of any Third Party Content Providers you are accessing via Fiz.

During trial access only, Fiz will temporarily allow retrieval of data from Third Party Content Providers using its own licenses and API keys. Clients must obtain their own licenses and API keys for these data sources before their application goes live. Failure to provide said keys will result in only Fiz data being returned in your API responses.

Please note that Third Party Content is outside of the control of Fiz and may vary or become unavailable over time.


We value your input in helping us make our technology better, more effective and easier to use. If you have any suggestions for improvements to the API or this documentation, get in touch.

Official Fiz site

By using the Fiz API you hereby agree to our terms and conditions.